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06 Mar 2020

WKV Stuttgart: Alexander Kluge. Opera: The Temple of Seriousness (March 14 - April 26, 2020)

Alexander Kluge, Wiesel mit Fledermaus. Zeichnung von Grandville (Weasel with a Bat. Drawing by Grandville), print on wood, 2020

WKV Stuttgart: Alexander Kluge. Opera: The Temple of Seriousness
Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart


Press conference: Friday, March 13, 2020, 11 a.m. Opening: Friday, March 13, 2020, 7 p.m. Opening hours: Tue, Thu-Sun: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m., Wed: 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Short guided tours: Every Sunday, 4 p.m.


Veronika Rühl
+49 (0) 711- 22 33 70
+49 (0) 711- 22 33 791


Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart
Schlossplatz 2
70173 Stuttgart

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'There are only a few places in cities where SHARED AND PUBLIC GRIEF is possible.'
Alexander Kluge

In 2017, the Württembergischer Kunstverein dedicated an extensive solo exhibition to the author, filmmaker, and theorist Alexander Kluge. Music already played a central role at the time, an aspect that is deepened in the new project, a series of exhibitions that is taking place in parallel at three different venues—Stuttgart, Ulm, and Halberstadt. The project interrogates the role of opera, which emerged (at the latest) in the seventeenth century, as a contemporary 'temple of seriousness' (Kluge): as a place where the serious, grief, and joy can be expressed and losses mourned in a suitable way. The exhibition in the domed hall of the Kunstgebäude in Stuttgart is an overall staging that combines a nine-part video installation with fragments of a stage set by Anna Viebrock and other elements. In addition, Katharina Grosse is presenting a 'cinema' developed for the exhibition. She calls the table-sized object 'atopic cinema.' A detail from Laszlo Moholy-Nagy's life as a gunner in the First World War is accompanied by a drawing by Ivan Syrov, a young artist from Stuttgart.

There are numerous content-related intersections, particularly with respect to the forms of grieving, between this and the exhibition 'Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead: Politics of Life' which is taking place in parallel in the same building. Various events take up this dialogue and also link the exhibition with the Staatsoper (State Opera), which is located directly nearby.


Press conference
Friday, March 13, 2020, 11 a.m.

Friday, March 13, 2020, 7 p.m.

Free guided short tours
30 min., every Sunday, 4 p.m.

Further events www.wkv-stuttgart.de

An exhibition by
Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart

in cooperation with
Museum Ulm and Staatsoper Stuttgart

Hans D. Christ and Iris Dressler

Supported by
Kulturstiftung des Bundes
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg
Kulturamt der Stadt Stuttgart
Prolab Stuttgart