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17 Sep 2018

Nicole Six / Paul Petritsch: Lost and Found

Nicole Six / Paul Petritsch: Lost and Found, Bag designed to look like a place-name sign with a bilingual inscription, worn in Carinthia and Vienna, around 2006, Haus der Geschichte Österreich photo: Markus Wörgötter

Nicole Six / Paul Petritsch: Lost and Found
TRAM, Haus der Geschichte Österreich


opening: 25. 9. 2018, Westbahnhof Wien, 10-12 am TRAM is a contemporary art gallery and cultural centre curators: Juraj Čarný, Monika Sommer For train time table visit


Juraj Čarný


Curatorial Studies Institute
Na riviére 2 , Bratislava

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Sometimes things are left behind in trains,
sometimes things are left behind by history. 

„Lost and Found' by Six/Petritsch outlines an extra ordinary relationship between the ÖBB Lost&Found and the House of Austrian History: Both are dealing with things, things with special stories, stories written by life. Who decides, which things are worthless and which are meaningful?

Monika Sommer, director of Haus der Geschichte Österreich

Have you ever left something behind on a train, something that had a very special meaning and significance to you? Have you found it afterwards? For the art train TRAM, Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch prepared an exhibition Lost & Found. They documented objects which 'lost' their owners and stories, turning these items into art pieces. Not only that, they are taking these items a step forward, putting them into 'a confrontation' with objects from collections of the new-founded Vienna museum Haus der Geschichte Österreich.

Juraj Čarný

The TRAM is about connecting. Connecting passengers travelling in the train filled with art, and also connecting places, countries and people. Step by step, we´ve been redesigning one train into a gallery. We invited visual artists to create art works, which should break your everyday routine and banality of travelling. We would like to talk with you about travelling, the jobs, you commute to, migration, the topics, which used to connect us in the past, and also about our common future. Feel free to become part of the intellectual game! We invite you to think critically and share your perspectives on who we are and where we are heading.