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10 Apr 2015

[a.pass] call for artistic research projects post-master and phd level

public action during 'Conditions for Something to Happen' Workshop with Daniel Blanga-Gubbay; picture by Vivianna Chiotini

call for artistic research projects post-master and Phd levels
[a.pass] advanced performance and scenography studies


Deadline: May 4, 2015 to start in September 2015 selection talks : 18&19/05/2015 (please keep these days free!)


Nicolas Galeazzi
+32 (0)2 411.49.16
+32 (0)2 411.49.16


Posthogeschool voor Podiumkunsten vzw
Delaunoystraat 58-60 bus 17
1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek (Brussel)

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if you
are working in the performing arts and want to start an artistic research in a professional research environment, free from production constraints,

or if
the concepts of performativity or/and scenography are (relatively) new to you and you want to explore them in-depth, in relation to your own practice

a.pass (advanced performance and scenography studies) can offer you a one year
post master program in which you develop your research project. In a context of self-organization and collaboration you create a personal trajectory through workshops, individual mentorings and interactions with the other participants. At the end of this period, you present and communicate your research.

the post master programs a.pass invites artists and theoreticians engaged in a PhD in the Arts to develop independent artistic and transdisciplinary projects producing knowledge and tools relating to the key issues of the a.pass program.
The a.pass context is designed to give the possibility to develop your skills as an independent and critical researcher and provides you with the context and instruments that answer to your specific questions and needs. Participants of a.pass manage their own research in continuous interaction with the other participants and, by doing so, engage in the organization of the shared curriculum.

The a.pass program is a 12-month program consisting of three blocks of four months. The first three months of each block take place within the organized collective research environment. Participants develop their personal trajectory in a constant communication with the other participants and co-ordinators, through participation in workshops, with feed-back from dedicated mentors and through the choice of personal mentors. The last month of each block is open for the further individual development of the research project.
Please find information on the application procedure here.

take a look!
If you would like to take a closer look into our practices, we kindly invite you to come to the next public presentations our currently ending a.pass participants on 29th and 30th May 2014. More information will be available on our website from beginning of May.