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17 Nov 2014

Now accepting Applications for the Intermedia + Digital Arts MFA

'Fred Worden Cuts a Couch in Half' (detail) by Lexie Mountain, April 2014, opening performance at the CADVC MFA Exhibition at UMBC.

MFA in Intermedia + Digital Arts
University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)


Studios, state-of-the-art facilities, contemporary theory and high-end research labs.
Engaged faculty, prestigious visiting artists program, career opportunities & financial incentives.
Full tuition remission given to qualified applications received by February 1, 2015.
Please contact the Graduate Program Director for tours and information.


Lisa Moren


1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore MD 21250

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UMBC's Intermedia and Digital Arts (IMDA) M.F.A. Program is accepting applications from artists seeking to expand or reinvent their practice. Committed to art that poses unique conceptual and social challenges, IMDA offers an environment that provides artists a studio, courses in emerging methods, contemporary art and theory, and high-end research centers. Graduate students also take advantage of Baltimore's vibrant art scene pursuing issues such as food justice, the environment, transportation, urban communities, translation, race and gender identity, gift economies, and technology in both intellectual and formal terms.

State-of-the-art and emerging facilities in a variety of media-based disciplines result in projects such as street interventions, distributed networks, games, installations, performances, sculptural objects, prints, drawings, photographs, videos, interactive pieces, animations, public displays, and other socially engaged works.

Financial support includes Research Assistantships which provides up to full-tuition remission, plus health care and a stipend. Students are additionally eligible to apply for internal research and merit-based grants to support their work.

Prominent Visiting Artists present their work regularly and give one-on-one feedback to graduate students. Past lecturers include:

Janine Antoni, @rtMark, Stephanie Barber, Zoe Beloff, Michael Bierut, Catherine Chalmers, Paul Chan, Abigail Child, Annica Cuppetelli and Cristobal Mendoza, Paul DeMarinis, Tony Dove, Johanna Drucker, James Duesing, David Dunlap, Hasan Elahi, eteam, Wendy Ewald, Darko Fritz, Guerrilla Girls, Dana Hoey, Nina Katchadourian, Matmos, Larry Miller, Alison Knowles, Margot Lovejoy, Joseph Nechvatal, Simon Penny, Keith Piper, William Pope.L, Michael Rakowitz, Andrea Robbins and
Max Becher, David Rokeby, Mark Tribe, Ted Victoria, Fred Wilson, Martha Wilson, Karen Yasinsky and The Yes Men.

Apply by February 1 to receive consideration towards full tuition remission: imda.umbc.edu/apply/

For more information: imda.umbc.edu.
Contact: imda@umbc.edu for more information or a tour of our facilities.