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08 Nov 2013

La Fragua Artist Residency open call 2014

Open call 2014
La Fragua artist residency


Open Call!

Javier Orcaray
(+34 )957-147-003

La Fragua A.I.R.
Covento de Santa Clara s/n
Belalcázar, Córdoba

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La Fragua artist residency is looking for artists who are working with moving projects that aim to dynamically reinterpret the rural environment through contemporary artistic practices and experiments. The fourth year is upon us and the identity of the residency is continuously evolving thanks to the inspiring ideas brought by the more than 80 international multidisciplinary artists that have participated in the independent program since 2010.

Community based concepts of social change that have a useful approach to art and create a sense of value to local audiences- the possibility for artists to stimulate ideas in the local environment through their presence and projects: these are the notions pushing us forward into a solid contemporary direction. By facilitating connections between artists and community groups through our established network of connections, we encourage cross cultural pollination and durational outcomes.

La Fragua is part of a social change in Spain, a long-term revolution that aims to reinterpret the cultural panorama, to go against the ancient traditions of lifeless and useless bureaucratic decisions made from the top. We are trying to invert the pyramid, to be a reminder for the community that art can enrich our reality and prepare us for freedom.

For more information about the residency, application process and further inquiries please contact: