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13 Sep 2012

Open Call for performers in exhibition Z33

Åbäke 2011 - The Knife

ALL THE KNIVES (any printed story on request) Curated by Åbäke
Z33 – House for Contemporary Art


Exhibition: 18 November 2012 to 16 February 2013 in Z33, Hasselt Workshop 1: 22+23 September 2012, 10am-7pm in Brussels, Namahn Workshop 2: 1+2+3 November 2012, 10am-7pm in Hasselt, Z33 Workshop 3: 14+15+16 November 2012, 10am-7pm in Hasselt, Z33


Jenny Stieglitz
+32 (0)11 29 59 64


Z33 – House for Contemporary Art
Zuivelmarkt 33
3500 Hasselt

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ALL THE KNIVES (any printed story on request)
Curated by Åbäke
Coproduction Z33 & Frans Masereel Centrum

We are looking for people to participate in a performative exhibition:

ALL THE KNIVES is an exhibition by Åbäke, Yaïr Barelli, Jochen Dehn, Dirk Elst, Aurélien Froment, Vladimir Ivaneanu, Sally O'Reilly, Matt Rogers and Adva Zakai.

Location: Z33, Hasselt, Belgium
Dates: 18 November 2012 to 16 February 2013
Profile: Any age. Man or woman. We would like you to speak at least two languages (English & Dutch). Any extra-curricular hobby or passion would be good, as long as it is a real one.

ALL THE KNIVES proposes an exhibition space where stories or objects are in a state of standby until a member of the audience enters. Each artist is developing a series of instructions and interpretative reactions for the performers to use as a developmental 'toolbox'. The performers will not be asked to perform a specific set of actions, but to tell their own stories from the artists' prompts and guidelines.

Three periods of workshop/training with the artists are organised prior to the exhibition:

1/ 22+23 September 2012, 10am-7pm in Brussels, Namahn
2/ 1+2+3 November 2012, 10am-7pm in Hasselt, Z33
3/ 14+15+16 November 2012, 10am-7pm in Hasselt, Z33

The performers would preferably be present at all the workshops.

After the workshops, the performers would participate in the exhibition for a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of four (4 days a week, Thursday-Sunday, 11am–6pm).
Fee provided per day of exhibition.
Accommodation in Hasselt/Z33 possible.

You can register for the first workshop at www.z33.be/workshop-ALL-THE-KNIVES (deadline: 20 September 2012).

Please also send us one image and a story, invented or not, related to the image (3-4 lines max).