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06 Jul 2012

eyeseverywhere: East and West women artists in Wuhan, China

eyeseverywhere: East and West women artists
emultiverse, european association for the arts and communities


Opening: June 29, 20.00 29.06 - 08.07 2012

Elizabeth Ross, curator

The Gallery of the Hubei
Academy of Fine Arts
368 Zhongshan Road, Wuchang District
Wuhanm Hubei

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The web, internet, is a huge space where converge information and communication, that is interactive and open to cooperation among peers, whom connect thanks to the expressed interests and personal relations given inside this multiple virtual communicating vessels that conform the net. The relations formed this way allow widening the interaction horizons in a way never believed before. The geographic or physical isolation is abolished resulting in a new global social fabric that becomes tighter every day, though it has also a liquid quality. This means that is the will who offers permanence and is the ability to navigate in that ocean what widens or reduces the action fields.

To create collaborative art projects in this environment is a real alternative of proven efficiency that amplifies the possibilities and the creative and geographic horizons. It allows to create global artistic and social networks that transcend –and generally this is their aim- digital space, art market and, specially, art institutionalism. They are creative alternatives to Mainstream and set their own rules, as flexible as efficient, and constantly propose new approaches to the creative process, artworks and artists and, definitively, to Art itself.

Eyeseverywhere is a collective photographic project that offers a visual discourse and an aesthetic proposal within a weekly periodicity, allowing a constant uninterrupted flux that goes beyond the mere local. It is a dialogue among women making art in different latitudes of the world, who, as females, must break through a territory controlled by the androcratic mainstream art market. Since January 2007, each week of the year a number of women artists have been publishing their photos and gaining a stronger presence in that elusive territory called the web, where we have put up our own:

The photographic work in eyeseverywhere is rarely manipulated. Instead, it portraits a direct reality, being it urban or rural, intimate or social, and the themes explored range from the sociologic/political spheres to the joyfully aesthetical. We want to turn visible daily life elements within an existential aesthetic at the same time that eyeseverywhere turn us visible as female artists and as persons that share our personal discourse around a virtual and creative bonfire that involves time, space, attention, professionalism, solidarity, to link it into the collectivity and to produce a place we inhabit aesthetic, conceptual and intersubjetively between the private and the public.

An initial personal drive has become the drive of all, who during the days of the week keep our eyes open to catch the momentum that we'll take into the circle. We have met in this Saturday Home for almost six years now. And I say home as dwelling and as central fire. And I say circle because that is what we are now: each Saturday we hold a visual Witches' Sabbath all of our own, casting visual spells into the net universe. In these years we have known each other in an intimate way because we do it through our eyes and dreams, our topos and praxis.

We have consolidated our collective being, every week more solid, and now we have brought off a material achievement of these years of constant work being online, networked, and having our eyes everywhere, turned it into a video that holds kaleidoscopic glimpses of the world shown for the first time in a Museum.

This is an exhibition that gathers the gaze of women artists from East and West. From México to Dubai, From China to Argentina, from Spain to Norway and more. Eyeseverywhere. Images kept on the time and space of the net that talk about the world and what we see in it. And, what's most important, how we see it.


Ayanna Jolivet McCloud, Aimee Lee, Agnès Btffn, Carolina de la peña, Chispillatronik, Denisse Moreno, Elizabeth Ross, Eva Bruner-Szabo, Ireri Castro, Inge Hoonte, Inka X Resch, Katarina Nikolov, Lau Mun Leng, Liu Fan, Marthazul, Mercedes Fidanza, Neslihan Ösgenç, Nicole Rademacher, Rosa Borrás, Sandra Petrovich, Teresa Puig, Vivian Vivas, FLorence Babin, Lucero González, Ana Soler Cepriá, LOla López Cózar, Guo Yan, Lily, Lin Xin, Tan Tan, Naersi, Lei BenBen, Chen Yun, Wang Xiaolu and Pei Li.