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Wednesday 29.03.2017


By Claudia Zanfi/Atelier del Paesaggio


Opening Monday April 3rd 2017 Showroom RIVA VIVA, via Porro Lambertenghi 18 Italy - Isola District Milan (MM2 Pta Garibaldi)

Claudia Zanfi

aMAZElab Art, Culture, Landscape
via Cola Montano 8
20159 Milano

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An eco-design itinerary is what is proposed this year in the sixteenth edition of Green Island, during the Milano Design Week (3-9 April 2017). The central focus is the Isola Neighbourhood, an area undergoing major cultural and urban expansion, presented in three stages, investigating the 'plant sculptures' by the artist Emilia Faro. The starting point is Garibaldi Train Station with a project staged in the shop windows of Tiger; then at the famous Algranti Lab, where the recycled materials are a 'must-have' for lovers of skilfully created wooden objects; right up to the heart of the event at the RivaViva eco-furnishing studio, which will feature a new installation recreating a natural botanic garden, designed especially for the occasion.
In fact, BOTANIK is the name given to the artistic project proposed by Claudia Zanfi, the real 'green soul' behind the Milano Design Week in Isola District, who states: 'ever since its pioneering launch in 2001, the GREEN ISLAND project has set out to bring the citizen back to a dimension of greater harmony between artificial and natural spaces; it aims to provide a moment of reflection and planning on urgent themes such as sustainability, urban green spaces and new landscapes.' GREEN ISLAND was the first project to bring design to the streets of the Isola Neighbourhood, creating a network of over 100 local entities for the valorisation of artistic and crafts workshops, introducing the DID-Distretto Isola Design: a unique element for the valorisation of the territory.

> MONDAY APRIL 3rd 2017: Showroom RIVA VIVA, via Porro Lambertenghi 18, Isola District Milan
(MM2 Pta Garibaldi)
6-8 pm: Press conference + Opening BOTANIK
eco- design art installation and sculptures by Emilia Faro and Raul Luraschi.
Green exhibition by Atelier del Paesaggio.
BIO cocktail in the garden with botanical gadgets.

> TUESDAY APRIL 4th: TIGER Stazione Garibaldi (MM2 Pta Garibaldi)
6-8 pm: Opening of the plant sculptures installation by Emilia Faro and the Design District Island circuit.

> WEDNESDAY APRIL 5th: Spazio Algranti Lab, via Pepe 20, Isola District Milan (MM2 Pta Garibaldi)
6-8 pm: Eco-design path specifically created for the island craft workshops, with works by Emilia Faro.

> FRIDAY APRIL 7th: Showroom RIVA VIVA, via Porro Lambertenghi 18, Isola District Milan
(MM2 Pta Garibaldi)
5.30-6.30 pm: Workshops for families and enthusiastic people, dedicated to the history of the wood and craftsmanship, edited by Raul Luraschi, founder of the movement 'Urban Wood'.

GREEN ISLAND is Pet & Bike Friendly.