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Monday 12.10.2015

AC Institute Call for Artists

Call for Performances
AC Institute


Performances for the 2015-2016 Calendar Year

Holly Crawford

AC Institute
16 East 48th Street Fourth Floor
New York, New York 10017

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AC Institute, a non-profit art gallery in New York City, is now accepting submissions from New York City and tri-state area based performance artists for the 2015-2016 calendar year. Projects should emphasize viewer interaction and public engagement. A wide range of themes and media are encouraged.

AC Institute is a lab and forum for experimentation. We support performers and projects that challenge conventional expectations of meaning, objectivity, and medium. We promote non-conformist performance based projects that engage with the viewer through the experimental use of sensorial tactics.

Selected artists will be invited to perform their work in AC Institute's Manhattan gallery over the coming months.

All entries must be original works.

All artists must be in the New York area.

Please submit the following to

∇ 450 word proposal

∇ 10 images (max) at 72 dpi or link to video documentation

∇ CV

∇ Artist Statement

Be sure to include a link to your website. Please put 'AC Institute Performance Submission' in the subject line.