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11 Jun 2015

Blond&Blond Contemporary: Open-call for symposium

Symposium 2015
Blond&Blond Contemporary


The Symposium opens on the 03 of August and runs until the 08 of August. Blond&Blond Contemporary and Galerie Kuhn&Partner are hosting the event. For more details and a downloadable pdf application form visit: http://www.bb-contemporary.de/


Renate Farber, Clara Clauberg
+49 (0) 30 - 23 90 13 22


Gartenstrasse 114
10115 Berlin

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'You are crazy my child, you should go to Berlin' - Franz Von Suppé

Regardless of whether you are an artist, Gallerist, collector or curator you cannot ignore the cultural and artistic center that is today's Berlin. The number of independent galleries in the city is constantly changing, 400? 500? 600? it is impossible to know for sure but the fact remains that Berlin is one of the main pulses of the international art scene.

This symposium is a chance for eight international artists to get a taster of what it is like to live, network, work and produce art in Berlin. The workshop is an intensive 5 day cultural experience that will be invaluable to any artist.

Blond&Blond Contemporary and Galerie Kuhn&Partner are hosting a symposium for international artists from the 3rd to the 8th of August 2015. This is an open call for international artists to take part in the symposium workshop. The artists will be able to use the gallery space of Blond&Blond as their work space over the five days and in using this space as a communal studio will get a chance to exchange ideas and work methods while also bringing their own work to a conclusion.

The artists, while taking part in this intensive workshop will also be brought to a selection of important galleries and museums in the area to give them a feel for the Berlin art scene and also to help inspire them thematically and conceptually.

The five day workshop will be brought to a conclusion when the eight artists involved show their finished pieces (or works-in-progress) to the art public of Berlin on the closing evening of the 8th of August 2015, where they will get a chance to network with the local art scene.

The symposium costs 850.00 Euro (excl. Travel, food and material costs) included in this price are an individual room for each artist as accommodation and breakfast at a local cafe, a map of Berlin, also entry to all of the galleries and museums on the programme, and a 5 day public transport ticket for getting around Berlin, and fruit and beverages throughout the day.

The rooms in which the artists will be accommodated are in The Pension which is located amongst a variety of typical bars, restaurants and cafes and also very well connected to the city center.

The galleries and museums on the programme are: Gropius Bau, DH Museum and National Gallery.

For more information and a downloadable pdf of the application form visit the Blond & Blond Contemporary website at: www.bb-contemporary.de/