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11 Nov 2011

Open call for applications - European Exchange Academy Turkey

European Exchange Academy


Applications will be accepted until 10th of December 2011 Start course April 17, 2012 End course May 8, 2012

Harry Heyink

European Exchange Academy
1ste Leeghwaterstraat 9
1018 RB Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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Building on years of experience from EEA-GERMANY, Beelitz, which has been organised outside Berlin each year for the past decade, the European Exchange Academy is proud to present: EEA-TURKEY, CUNDA - a brand new intensive course for emerging artists.

EEA-TURKEY, CUNDA is a comprehensive three-week course that takes place on the small Cunda Island in the Aegean Sea, just off the Turkish coast.

The program of EEA12-TURKEY, CUNDA revolves around the notion that the single most important knowledge an artist can posses is the understanding of his or her own practice. Without this understanding, acquired skills - be it technical or theoretical - will remain isolated entities. At best, and with a good portion of luck, these skills will result in sporadic successful works of art.

By obtaining an understanding of their own practice, young artists are able to recognize and make better use of their strengths, and work on their weaknesses. And most importantly, the young artist will be able to merge his or her different skills and fields of interest into a coherent and sustainable practice, while maintaining his or her diversity and individuality.

The main focus and goal of EEA12-TURKEY, CUNDA is to assist the participants in acquiring the theoretical and practical tools needed to obtain this understanding. We acknowledge the fact that the path to gaining these insights are, and must be, unique to each participant. This said, there are aspects that all artists have to relate to.

Together with the fellow participants and advisors, the students will be encouraged to find out how they relate to these individual and shared aspects. They will be encouraged to investigate how they can shape and sharpen their 'approach' into a methodology. This methodology then serves as a HQ or home base, from where different campaigns can be launched. Having this secure platform provides the creative process with a more relaxed state of, while providing the confidence to experiment and take risks when developing works and the methodology itself.

EEA-Turkey is open to all emerging artists, students and non-students. Apllications will be accepted until the 10th of December 2011.

To apply for EEA12-Turkey, or more information on the EEA, please visit our website: