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16 May 2008

BLIND SPOT *** Call for Artists ***

BLIND SPOT Online Art Project




+43 732 7956840


Die Fabrikanten
Promenade 15
4020 Linz

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Participate in an Online Art Project

Video = lat. „I see, I can see“.

View the Videosite

BLIND SPOT is a European online art project, to which we like to invite blind as well as sighted people for participation. Blind locals of European cities guide video artists through their well known city. They tell about their personal reference to the city, about incidents and stories, associated with certain spots and things, some people can not see or don´t want to see.

The video artists involved interpret these stories in their own visual and acoustic way language and make the blind people´s city experiences visible for sighted people.

BLIND SPOT opens up specific dimensions of places and accesses to a diversity of facets of city lifes. At the same time, BLIND SPOT is a series of portrais, showing how people without eyesight find their ways and how they deal with their environment and their sensual detraction.

Comment the Videosite

Visitors of the BLIND SPOT Videosite are invited to publish their individual statements, their comments to the videos. (So maybe words change into images and again images create words). http://www.fabrikanten.at/blindspot

After the book BOTSCHAFT LINZ and the documentary TRIVIAL EUROPE, BLIND SPOT is the third part of a project series about places in Europe. http://www.fabrikanten.at


Do Are you interested or do you know blind people or video artists of other European countries,  who would like to participate in the form of a short video (2-5 min.)? Please, send us an e-mail with any contact information available. Prospects will be informed about project details and charge.

We are looking forward to getting new videos, vitalizing the project BLIND SPOT and open new views to the world of blind people. labor@fabrikanten.at


TRIPLE PACK - Places with a tale to tell

The BOOK Botschaft Linz comprises a series of snapshots showing relationships between people and places in Linz, the FILM Trivial Europe pursues this idea through European cities, and as part of the recently launched ONLINE PROJECT BLIND SPOT, blind people show us their favourite places, while video artists visualise their stories.

Order: http://www.fabrikanten.at/package